MK-677 Ibutamoren
MK-677 Ibutamoren
90 Capsules
10mg Per Capsule
MK-677 is a research compound. Not for human consumption.
What is MK-677?
MK-677, also known as Ibutamoren, is a compound that falls into the category of growth hormone secretagogues (GHSs). It's not a steroid but rather a selective agonist of the ghrelin receptor. Ghrelin is a hormone that stimulates the release of growth hormone (GH) from the pituitary gland. MK-677 works by increasing the production and release of GH and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), both of which play important roles in growth, metabolism, and overall health.
MK-677 Research
Increases Growth Hormone and IGF-1 Levels
MK-677 mimics the action of ghrelin, which stimulates the secretion of growth hormone (GH) from the pituitary gland. This increase in GH levels subsequently leads to higher IGF-1 levels, which plays a critical role in muscle growth, fat metabolism, and overall body composition.
MK-677 and Muscle Growth and Fat Loss
MK-677 is known for promoting lean muscle growth by increasing GH levels. Elevated GH and IGF-1 levels contribute to muscle protein synthesis and can aid in the reduction of body fat by increasing metabolic rate.
MK-677 and Bone Density
Growth hormone plays a vital role in maintaining and improving bone density. Several studies indicate that Ibutamoren has potential benefits in increasing bone mineral density, which may be particularly beneficial for older adults or individuals at risk of osteoporosis.
Enhances Recovery and Sleep Quality
Anecdotal evidence suggests that MK-677 improves sleep quality due to its effect on GH secretion, which naturally occurs during deep sleep phases. Improved sleep quality can lead to better recovery from workouts and overall well-being.
Supports Skin and Hair Health
The rise in GH and IGF-1 levels from MK-677 use may lead to improved skin elasticity and hair growth. Growth hormone is known for its role in collagen production, which is essential for maintaining healthy skin and hair.
MK-677 Appetite Increase
MK-677 mimics ghrelin, the "hunger hormone," which often results in an increase in appetite. This can be advantageous for those who struggle to consume enough calories to support muscle growth but might be a downside for individuals aiming to lose weight.
Long Half-Life
Ibutamoren has a relatively long half-life of around 24 hours, allowing for convenient once-daily dosing. This means users do not need to worry about multiple daily doses.
Non-Peptide, Orally Active Compound
Unlike some peptides that require injection, MK-677 is orally active, making it more convenient and less invasive for research purposes.
Increases Nitrogen Retention
MK-677 may help improve nitrogen retention, contributing to the preservation of lean body mass even in a calorie-deficit state.
R. G. Smith et al., “Peptidomimetic Regulation of Growth Hormone Secretion,”